Monday, July 29, 2013

Lansdowne Park: The Future Home of the Ottawa RedBlacks & Fury FC

After a lengthy debate (perhaps even longer then Ottawa's Light Rail debate) and its fair share of controversy (most notably in the form of, shall we say, live alternative music), Lansdowne Park ( has made some serious progress.  I grew up a few minutes away from Lansdowne, long before any of this rejuvenation had been considered - I learned to play baseball at the diamonds on the north-east corner of the property, saw my first professional (Ottawa Senators - and semi-professional (Ottawa 67's - hockey games there, and fondly remember walking to a few Rough Riders CFL games and the Rolling Stones concert with my dad.  I'm sure I'm not the only Ottawan that conjures up sentimental memories when thinking of Lansdowne.  But as we know, the only constant in life is change.  And, boy, has Lansdowne ever changed.

As you can see from the picture above, construction at Lansdowne is well under way and it's a good thing too - it's pretty hard to have an inaugural season opening game in 2014 without a field to play on.

For sports fans like me, I'm sure you can't wait to see the ball lined up on the 35 yard line, waiting to be kicked 70 yards down field as the RedBlack's 2014 CFL opener kicks off.  But for you casual or non-sports fans out there, don't write off the New Lansdowne because one of its heavy sports theme.  Unlike it's predecessor the new project will not only appeal to the avid sports fan, but the plan includes something for everyone.  Aside from ice hockey arena (which is being renovated) and the new state-of-the-art sports stadium - designed to host CFL and professional soccer games - here's a short list of what else to expect:
- Residences - town houses and 2 high-rise condos (the Vibe and the Rideau - 13 and 20 levels respectively)
- Retail space (a grocery store, clothing shops and others to be confirmed)
- 18.5 acres of park space/public plazas
- 20 event venues to host a weekly Farmer's Market, exhibitions, conventions, etc...
- A new cinema
- An 11 acre underground parking lot for approximately 1,300 vehicles

So, whether you're a football, soccer or hockey fan, the new Lansdowne definitely hasn't strayed far from it's roots and you'll feel right at home - just don't expect there to be another 'Mardi Gras Night'.  However, if you aren't a sports fanatic and found that the old Lansdowne didn't offer much in terms of entertainment - give the New Lansdowne a second chance in 2014.

Thanks for reading.

Taylor Bennett
Sales Representative - Bennett Pros

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