Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Something A Little Different...

As you can imagine, being part of a family who works in the real estate business in Ottawa, I don't have much time away from real estate - whether it's Sunday night dinner or Monday morning at the office, it is almost always the topic of conversation. Add to the mix that interest rates are at an all time low, the new Federal Budget introduced several first-time buyer and home renovation incentives, and the market is enterting in to its busiest time of the year, real estate will inevitably find its way into almost any conversation. So what do us realtors do when we want to get away and unwind? Just like you, we vacation. The locations and the lengths of time may vary from person to person, but the goal is always the same - to get as much R 'n' R as possible.

Being that time of the year where us Ottawans start to feel the winters blues and Mother Nature starts to tease us with those days of -2 or -1 degrees, sandwiched between two days of -18, it's only human nature to look for relief and to get away to preview the warm summer weather. Here are some tips when looking for your next trip.

1. Travel E-Newsletters (Electronic Newsletters)
Alright, I can almost hear the collective groan from here, but before you completely dismiss this idea, hear me out. Travel agencies, airlines, tour operators, etc... use e-newsletters to inform their clients of potential up-coming deals. Often is an airline is short in filling a specific flight, they will promote it - mainly using their electronic database. I will warn you that you should expect to receive quite a bit of spam and unwanted mail, but if you find these emails to be annoying or you just can't be bothered to see another one again, the good news is that most have an 'unsubscribing' option (usually found at the bottom of the email).

2. Shop and Compare
You wouldn't buy the first car you saw, would you? Then why buy the first vacation 'deal' that you see? Vacation package deals come in all shapes and sizes - all inclusive, 3 to 5 star, beach front, etc... so, it's important to look around at all the deals and narrow them down using only your interested characteristics. It's also important to note that when comparing two deals from two different sources, make sure they offer the same thing - if there's a significant difference in price, make sure both deals offer all of your necessary criteria.

3. Discounts!
This may seem obvious, but many people don't even consider outside discount memberships. Airmiles, Areoplan, CAA, etc... there are many points clubs and discount memberships that will allow you to redeem points for a discount in price.

4. Websites
If you've shopped for a vacation in the last 5 years or so, chances are you've probably used an online website. But if you haven't, or you've been using a travel agent to book your trips, consider using the internet to book, or at least look for, your next vacation. Travel websites are becoming more and more user friendly and making it quite easy to book trip, even for those of us who aren't confortable with computers.

5. Off-Season
If you're looking to book a holiday, consider booking during the off-season. During the off-season, due to the low volume of sales, there are many deals offered that you may never see during the rest of the year. Of course you don't want to end up on the beach in long-johns and a sweater, or end up wearing your rain coat the whole time, but try and book as close as you can to the 'busy' season and the weather shouldn't be all that different. Another advantage is that if you book during some of the slower times of the year, you won't have to fight for lawn chairs on the beach or deal with a crowded hotel.

6. Choose Weekdays Over Weekends
If you're only looking to get away for a few days or so, try and book during the week instead of weekends. If you're ever looked at hotel prices or airline charges during the week versus weekends or holidays, you would have noticed quite a large difference in prices. If you have the flexibility in your schedule, try to book as many weekdays in your vacation as possible.

7. Newspapers
Saturday newspapers to be more precise. While many travel companies elect to use advertising on the web or TV, there are quite a few who use local newspapers. Like home builders and realtors, airlines and travel agencies typically pick saturdays paper to promote their specials and deals, so don't forget to pick up a paper on the weekend.

8. Don't Be Afraid To Ask
I'm not sure if it's in our polite nature as Canadians, but I find many of us don't ask for a better deal. In most transactions, there is always room for discounts, added bonuses, etc... but rarely do consumers take advantage of these - why? Because they don't ask. Just like in real estate, if you don't ask for any special treatment, you won't get it. Many sales people and agents are authorized to allow for a certain level of discount, but unless you ask for it, they won't offer it.

9. Take Advantage of Todays' Economy
I'm sure you've all noticed a significant decrease in prices lately, and vacations are no different. Because much of the world is feeling the pinch of the tighter economy, many businesses are dropping their prices to promote spending. Fortunately, us Ottawans live in a very stable economy, the most stable in the Canada and one of the most on the continent, so we are able to take advantage of some of the better deals that are out there. Just like in housing with the dropping interests rates, now is the time to book a vacation - you'll be sure to get more than a few freebees thrown in.

If you have any questions or comments about this blog or any of my other blogs, please feel free to send me an email: taylor@bennettrealestatepros.com

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